Colorful Fall Photo Sessions in Northern Virginia
There’s nothing quite like fall — when the warm, vibrant colors contrast with crisp cool air, it creates the perfect backdrop for your photo session. I’m sure you’re familiar with the famous “golden hour” photos that capture perfect warm light, and fall is one of the best times to get that perfect shot.
As the days get shorter and shorter, some of us feel a certain summertime sadness. But there’s no doubt that the enchantment of fall makes up for it all. It’s finally that time of year when you can enjoy the outdoors — and pose for a bunch of photos — without getting miserably sweaty.
Maybe you’re a high school student who keeps putting off senior photos, a college student graduating in December, a family eager to get your holiday cards done early, a recently-engaged couple, or just feeling cooped up and want an excuse to look fancy. No matter what, you can count on Gayle to capture your vision.
Gayle is well-versed in embracing the warm autumn light and using it to stage the perfect frame. With the vibrant tree colors and rustic nature of Loudoun County as her backdrop and her studio centered on acres of land, Gayle has countless different settings to get the perfect shot. And she’s not scared to do a little exploring to find it.
For the folks who want to be in and out quickly, be sure to ask Gayle about her fall mini photo sessions too.